Leaving Koh Samui was one of the most emotional things on my journey. I bet you didn't expect that because I know almost no one thinks Koh Samui is as beautiful as it was back in the 90's. As I told you in the Bangkokpost I stayed there for one month because of my work. I'm for sure going to show you a video about that very soon. I've made amazing friends on this Island and I experienced things I'll still remember in 50 years. I did what I love the most and what I want to do for the rest of my life. It felt amazing each and every day and I can say that it was the most powerful time of my young life.
After I said goodbye to all my lovely friends I headed over to Koh Tao. I should have chosen another day because it was stormy and rainy as hell and the boattrip was horrible. I'm actually really tough in not getting seasick but this time I just couldn't behave myself while everybody was throwing up and I felt the boat to break in a million peaces. You can't believe how glad I was when I left this tiny little boat. The day was exactly like my mood. Sad. I went to Sairee Beach and I didn't like it at all. It was way too touristic and the locals were confused when I was starting to talk in thai and that confused me than. I shared my bungalow with a german teacher I met in a dormitory room the day before. I asked her if she wants to join me to explore the rest of the island and maybe find a better place than sairee beach. So we rent a scooter and drove to the other side of the island and found this beautiful spot on chalok baan kao bay. We rent the most amazing bungalow called ''Bubble Bungalow'' with the most beautiful view. It was close to freedom beach which was perfect for a chill. Chalok baan kao was my personal favorite spot on koh tao. I felt happy and free while I stayed there. And waking up to the sound of the waves breaking felt as right as it could ever feel.
So schöne Bilder und Motive! Wie gern ich jetzt da wäre!
AntwortenLöschenOh wie schön da muss ich unbedingt auch mal hin! War leider nur in phuket das ich gar nicht empfehlen kann, außer man möchte Luxus Urlaub in einer der vielen Resorts machen. Ist dort leider viel zu touristisch und dem entsprechend teuer nicht mal geacheit handeln kann man. Naja egal war trotzdem ok :D aber hab aufjedenfall mehr gutes von kho samui, kho tao und kho pangang gehört! Und ich schäme mich das ich dort auch zwei Monate war und immer noch kein thai kann im Gegensatz zu dir :(
AntwortenLöschen(hab dort aber auch nicht gearbeitet oder so)
LIebste Grüße :)
Bin gerade das erste Mal auf deinen Blog gestoßen und er is wirklich schön!
AntwortenLöschenWollte nur schnell einen lieben Kommentar dalassen ;)
folge dir auf instagram und bin dann irgendwann mal auf deinen blog gestoßen, du machst so wundervolle bilder da fühlt man sich fast so als ob man genau an dem ort ist. mach weiter so behalt deine kreativität bei, wer weiß wie weit du es noch schaffst! <3
AntwortenLöschenohhh<333 danke